1. Choose the answers that you feel more appropriate.

Question Title

* 1. Please, check the right option.

Question Title

* 2. To which age group do you belong?

Question Title

* 3. Please respond to the following set of statements:

  poor (1) fair (2) good (3) very good (4) excellent (5)
The instructor’s ability to explain the material is
The pace of the material presented in class has generally been
The instructor's ability to make the material being taught stimulating and interesting is
The number and quality of examples used in class has been
During class, the amount of student involvement is
The professor's ability to improvise and adapt to new demands is
The instructor's ability to show concern and respect for his/her students is
The reading materials (e.g., textbook, cases) required for this course are
The professor's overall teaching effectiveness is

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate how well you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
My instructor is prepared for class
The course syllabus is clear 
My instructor adequately answers student questions during class
The difficulty of the material in this course meets my expectations for a course at this level
The in-class activities and exercises help me understand and apply course concepts
The instructor is on time to class
Working on activities in class with other students helps me learn
The graded work in this class has been appropriately challenging (e.g., tests, quizzes, written work)
The course, so far, has improved my understanding of the subject matter
My instructor is available via email, Facebook, or office hours

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following statements regarding to your instructor:

  Very Poor Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
The professor uses technology for teaching
The instructor communicates enthusiasm in class.
The instructor recognizes and respects the contribution made by students to each other's learning.
The instructor demonstrates an awareness of a range of teaching strategies depending on the students' needs.
The professor shows sensitivity to individual differences in learning styles and use a variety of methods of assessment to promote learning.
The instructor gives prompt, informative and constructive feedback to students on their work.
The instructor discusses points of views other than his/her own.
The professor is well prepared.
She states objectives clearly.
The instructor encourages class discussion.
The professor has genuine interest in students.
She has an ability to demonstrate that she enjoys teaching.
The instructor displays self-confidence when teaching.
The professor presents the material in an interesting way.
She has everything organized according to a schedule.
The instructor follows an outline closely.
The professor compliments students in front of others and gives positive feedback.

Question Title

* 6. It´s time to grade your teacher. Pick the grade that you think she deserves.